Following on from my previous blog on the topic of CRM and Human Factors, I would like to share with you an overview of my experience during my MCC & JOC course at SIMTECH AVIATION. As mentioned previously, this next chapter of training towards a career as an Airline Pilot, working in a Multi-Crew environment, is like any other, one of vital importance, however, the difference with this selection of training provider determines how prepared you will be for that first Airline Simulator Assessment, and in result, getting hired or not!
Multi-Crew Co-Operation and Jet Orientation Course Outline
Simulator: Fixed Base XJ FNPT2
3 Days Crew Resource Management
5 Days Multi-Crew Training (20 hours)
2 Days Jet Orientation (8 hours)
During every flying session, lasting 4 hours, (2 hours per pilot), we were continuously assessed across 3 main categories; Flying Skills, CRM Performance Standards and Assisting Work As PM (Pilot Monitoring). The above was further broken down into the following sub categories;
Content Of Course During Practical Simulator Sessions
Flying Skills
Aircraft Handling (Smoothness & Accuracy)
Instrument Flying (Scan & Anticipation)
Flight Procedures (Knowledge & Accuracy)
Crew Resource Management Performance Standards
(6 Core Ingredients)
Leadership / Teamwork/ Crew Communication
Situational Awareness
Workload Management
Threat & Error Management
Assisting Work As PM (Pilot Monitoring)
Active Monitoring
Standard Calls / Deviation Call Outs
Active Input to Decision Making, Error Detection & Correction, Crew Situational Awareness
Prompting Pilot Flying
Checklist/ECAM Procedures
On the subject of Pilot Monitoring, likewise to why the name 'Cockpit Resource Management' was later changed to 'Crew Resource Management', well 'Pilot Monitoring (PM)' was formally known as 'Pilot Not Flying (PNF)' . The new term, PM, was introduced to draw the distinction from the old term, as that although the Pilot Not Flying is exactly that, his or her duties are still firmly monitoring the management of the flight, with one of the most important aspects being, to cross check the actions (or in-actions) of the Pilot Flying.
Left to Right : Mike, Myself, Dom, Laura, Colleen, Rasmus |
So onto my opinion of SIMTECH AVIATION, the word I would use to portray my experience there would be ‘Outstanding’. From the very first enquiry through to the final hours, the consumer service and depth of knowledge from everyone I met has made for me, a lasting impression.
The professionalism and quality of instruction from mainly airline based captains has more than prepared me for the next stage of my career, exceeding by far the core foundations of the MCC/AOC, by highlighting their previous experiences and extracting the skills and qualities from the student that is needed in a modern day multi-crew flight deck. On many occasions, during the clear and precise briefings, we experienced a variety of interview style questions that can only prove to be an advantage for an airline interview.
The first 3 days of the 10 day course, involved gaining a thorough understanding of Crew Resource Management, including communications, leadership and decision making, which was presented in a very organised, understandable manor, with lots of interaction, activities and case studies, giving a practical perspective on the subject. Conducting this part of the course before approaching the simulator in my opinion is essential, to enable you to deliver the standards required right from the first simulator session.
Discussing and Analyzing Case Studies involving accidents related to CRM, such as;
A flight that departed in spite of a collision
In-correct weights entered in pre-flight calculations resulting in degraded take-off performance
Autocratic Captains leading to First Officers feeling inhibited from questioning actions
Incidents through interrupted sleep patterns leading to fatigueness
made us all aware of the significant impact CRM has in daily operations to migrate the risk of accidents occurring.
As the course delivers the intermediate training between gaining your CPL and IR as a Single Pilot and then progressing onto a type rating course, in a Multi Crew environment, it is mainly down to the instructors to make this transition as understandable and adaptable for the student. Instructors at Simtech totally understood and appreciated that we had come from Single Pilot backgrounds and delivered this transition in my opinion, with much success.
Onto the Simulator itself, the fixed base 737XJ FNPT2. I was very impressed with the features this simulator offered throughout the course, including Wind-shear, TCAS (Traffic Collision Avoidance System), Auxiliary Power Unit and Icing operation, even simulation of an explosive decompression during cruise! Also, one of the main benefits concerning present day operations, a functional Flight Management Computer, where you will inherit at least a basic knowledge of programming navigational and performance data, which is integrated into the Standard Operating Procedures throughout your sessions at Simtech. Not forgetting to mention the stunning real world visuals and sound effects actually in my opinion, all add to giving you the sense of motion and reality, at an affordable cost compared to a full motion simulator.
During the 10 days, we stayed in the Metro Hotel which is conveniently located, about a 10 minute shuttle ride to the facility. They will also pick you up on arrival into Dublin Airport and drop you off on departure any time from 0400am through to 1145pm! For Simtech to offer not only accommodation but also transportation is such a relief as finding suitable adequate accommodation has been in the past for myself, the main deciding factor. My experience of the apartment within the hotel was just that, suitable and more than adequate, with the bonus of sharing with colleagues from your course at Simtech, giving you lots of past and new experiences to chat about over a Pint of Guinness!
By everyone at Simtech delivering exceptional consumer service, with the students interest at heart, the MCC/AOC course for me, naturally manifested into a fun, enjoyable course, whilst at the same time, maintaining professional industry standards that has fulfilled my preparation for the next stage of my pilot career, the interview and Type Rating. Having the time again to decide where to complete my MCC/AOC, without doubt, it would be Simtech.
The Guinness Storehouse is defiantly a great place to visit during your down time! |
By everyone at Simtech delivering exceptional consumer service, with the students interest at heart, the MCC/AOC course for me, naturally manifested into a fun, enjoyable course, whilst at the same time, maintaining professional industry standards that has fulfilled my preparation for the next stage of my pilot career, the interview and Type Rating. Having the time again to decide where to complete my MCC/AOC, without doubt, it would be Simtech.
One scenario I will never forget in a rush, is my first experience of Crew Incapaciation, not myself (unfortunately) but the one who has to deal with now flying an aircraft designed for multi-crew, on your own whilst communicating for assistance from the cabin crew. They say things happen in threes, well, if the insidious crew incapacitation, followed soon after by an engine fire prompting to divert the flaming aircraft, followed by a now one- engine go-around on the approach due to an obstruction on the runway, then finally, a circuit to return to land, wasn't enough to aid a successful nights sleep, I don't know what was!
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